founded in Ethics
The THTBC family of companies is committed to doing work honestly, ethically, and in accordance with industry best practices and the applicable laws of the U.S. and other countries in which we operate. We are guided at all times by the highest standards of integrity, whether dealing with customers, co-workers or others.
We believe that all employees have the right to work in a safe and healthy environment, and we require the same high standards from our suppliers.

Code of Business Ethics & Conduct
THTBC’s successful business operations and reputation are built upon the principles of fair dealing and the ethical conduct of our employees. THTBC complies with all applicable laws and regulations and expects its officers, managers, employees, agents, and suppliers to conduct business in accordance with all relevant laws and to refrain from any illegal, dishonest, or unethical conduct.
Compliance with our Code of Business Ethics and Conduct is the responsibility of every employee within the THTBC family of companies. You can access our Code at the link below.
Ethics Program
If you have any ethics or compliance concerns, our Ethics Hotline is available in any language 24/7, 365 days a year. The Ethics Hotline is administered by an independent, third-party company. Where allowed by law, employees may choose to remain anonymous. THTBC has a strict non-retaliation policy for employees who raise concerns in good faith to the Ethics Hotline.
- Website:
- English speaking U.S.: 866-880-0003
- Habla Español U.S.: 800-216-1288
- All other countries: 800-603-2869 (must dial country access code first)
Our Ethics Program and contact information can also be found at the link below.